Sécurité alimentaire et RSE chez le Groupe Routhiau

engagement quotidienA FIRM CONVICTION

Our absolute priority is consumer safety thanks to:

 - the permanent involvement and expertise of our staff. We believe the professional attitude of our teams is extremely important. The development and promotion of the skills of each person is essential. Our staff regularly have in-house training in best practices.

 - technical investments (detection, automation, computerised equipment)

Jean Routhiau has developed food and hygiene safety measures (based on the HACCP method: Analysis of critical points/dangers so they can then be managed) at every level of product manufacture to avoid any risks and guarantee product safety. A specialised multifunctional team is responsible for permanently updating and optimising these measures.

Download our IFS certificates here :

IFS certificate Jean Routhiau               IFS certificate Tendance Créative




We are committed to continuously improve our performance. Our companies have a QSE initiative (Quality-Safety-Environment).

We manage the quality and regularity of our products:

 - thanks to the careful selection of raw materials and ingredients (no GMOs, no ionised materials, reduced allergens and the strict minimum of food additives) and their surveillance (checks, supplier audits, etc.)

 - thanks to a continuous improvement initiative based on openness to customers, continuous research for solutions, internal audits, quality management reviews

pqsplus__018606800_0919_11062014"PQS +" INITIATIVE:

Thanks to the PQS+ initiative (Plan: Quality Serenity Plus), we guarantee best manufacturing processes:

  • Red plastic caps: our workers guarantee best practices in their workshop/zone.
  • Check-lists or PQS+ frameworks cover the important and essential points in terms of traceability / tidiness / cleanliness / best practices... For each workshop. Compliance with the requirements of each check-list is verified at frequencies defined by the risk.

engagement_etape23__059257500_1041_15052014DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION? DO YOU NEED SOME ADVICE?

Our products are all subjected to rigorous checks. If, for reasons beyond our control, you are not completely satisfied, please feel free to contact our advisors.

If you have a complaint, please send in the manufacturing batch number on the packaging.

To contact our Customer Service Department, please complete the contact form by clicking here or contacting our teams by telephone on +33 (0)2 51 42 70 70.


Each unit sold has a batch number. With each batch number, we know the origin of the raw materials used, the production conditions (quality controls) and final destination.

The CAPM (computer assisted production management) system guarantees total traceability of our flows and processes between the upstream stage (suppliers) and downstream stage (customers), together with the control of and compliance with our recipes.

Manger Bouger PNNSIn 2008, Jean Routhiau introduced an ambitious project, with the aim of creating an internal nutritional charter responding to our customers' nutritional concerns, as part of France's PNNS (national health and nutrition programme).   www.mangerbouger.fr/PNNS

The most recent work has involved setting up a nutritional value calculation tool for our products starting at the recipe design stage.

We have also introduced a plan for reducing the salt content of our products.

We have always limited the quantity of nitrites used in our confit and cooked meats. We use quantities well below those authorised by regulations.

For your health, you should practice a regular physical activity: www.mangerbouger.fr

We have made a commitment to protect the environment because we think it crucial to preserve nature and the people around us.

We take action in this respect:

  • by reducing the waste we produce
  • by regularly sorting and recycling our packaging:
    The packaging of our products may contain sorting instructions. You can find out more at: www.consignesdetri.fr


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  • by controlling our water and energy consumption
  • ​by raising awareness in all our staff

engagement_etape7__088370000_1041_15052014We have always made health and safety at work a priority for our employees.

Our main goal is the constant search for constant and enduring improvement in this area.

Our action is based on the conviction and observation that all our accidents could be avoided through suitable organisation and behaviour, which also includes searching for effective equipment and good material conditions.

Our safety policy is based on the "Sécurité +" system:

  • Prevention through risk analysis with support from our teams: members of the CSE, safety wardens, operators
  • Individual training, which provides skills
  • Each person's compliance with regulations and procedures
  • Dialogue and communication, particularly through team meetings
  • An effective analysis of our accidents and incidents to avoid their repetition

We are committed to developing a safety-oriented attitude at Jean Routhiau, Tendance Créative and Simplement Végétal.

Our participation in the approach promoted by TMS PROS 

(an occupational musculoskeletal disorder programme for companies) illustrates our commitment and perseverance in terms of constantly improving our safety performance.

TMS pros


As well as the continuous improvement actions carried out by our teams everyday as part of the Routhiau Group’s CSR policy, our companies are committed to a progress initiative that endeavours to develop innovative and singular actions taking into account the new expectations of different stakeholders.


Jean Routhiau   Copie de simplement-vegetal      Logo Les Trois d'Asie 2021   JR  



followed in 2021, by the company LES TROIS D'ASIE.


logo pme+

With this label, our companies join the community of French independent entrepreneurs and members of the FEEF (Federation of French Entrepreneurs and Enterprises), committed to continuous improvement and moving their businesses forward.

This label promotes concrete measures that our companies have implemented over more than 10 years on current CSR themes that support people, jobs, environmental protection and community solidarity.

You can read about all the Routhiau Group’s actions in our CSR REPORT here:
Couv Livret RSE 2023

Download our PME + certificate issued by the FEEF